Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Web OS

Yes, here we are in a different world altogether, no worry of licenses, virus threats and regular *critical security* Windows updates, in an online Operating System. The web has evolved a lot in recent years with the advent of Web 2.0 and we are moving fast towards Web 3.0.

Facebook has matured to become the web platform which eventually is just one step away from Web Operating System. New startup Jooce has recently launched its beta version web OS. Do register and visit the website to experience the changing face of web. Entire site has been developed in Adobe Macromedia Flash.

In all the scheme of things that are going on, I am just wondering where is Microsoft?


poloolop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
poloolop said...

There was a mistake in the previous comment.
MicroSoft replaced IBM. It will continue to be everywhere (enterprise, kiosks ...) yet will not be talked about that much. Google is the next Microsoft. But as it gets big, it gets boring. The thing to really wonder is who is the next Google. Facebook? It will all depend on how they treat their users.

Anonymous said...

Microsoft is everywhere.. in social networking there's wallop, for flash they have silver light and for the web OS arena they are entering to it through windows live.