Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Living a Life....

In just little more than 3 months I will turn 25. Looking back I see a lot of things I have gone through, some good some bad. More important for me is how enriching has been the last 25 years.

There are many things that human being can do to enrich his life depending upon an individual's interest. How many of them you have done? Ever been on World tour? Ever played sports? Ever acted in a drama? Ever sang a song? Ever danced Salsa? Ever had exotic meals in exotic places? Ever been in Love? There is no dearth. Ever since I gained this conscience, I have always tried to do my best and enjoy every flavor of life.

Nobody who knows me now can ever believe how dull I was when I was in school. I started off in college with a skit. I wrote the dialogs and acted as a politician. I was so successful in my first venture that my seniors and my college-mates started calling me "Neta". Then I moved on to "Dancing”; that was the biggest flop I ever had; backstage had to shut off the music to bring me down from stage. I moved on to "Singing"; had good success in that and also won few prizes in college.

Still I was nowhere in sports; so I started playing soccer when I started the job around three years ago. Now I am learning swimming. I took "Dancing Classes" also and learnt Salsa, Swing and Rock n roll. I did Para-gliding and water scooter in my trip to Goa. There are lot many things pending in the list, including driving, scuba, guitar, horse-riding etc. I know life is short and aspirations are high.

At the end of it; All I want to say to myself is "I have lived my life fully"

1 comment:

poloolop said...

Carpe Diem is perfect match for this post.

Read up.
